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Severe Bass » Something for Now….

Something for Now….
February 15th, 2011

[translate lang=english]I have been awful about posting or working on my website. This doesn’t mean I haven’t done ANYTHING, but you are also not missing out. Never fear though, I am really working on being more prolific. To tide you over, here’s me playing w. my bass/software (I’ve started using REAPER and it is pretty freaking awesome!).

Anyway, I know it’s not much, but I hope you enjoy![/translate]
[audio:http://www.severebass.com/content/looping.mp3|titles=Looping (late night silliness)]
[translate lang=Severe-slang]Ahve been awful about postin er werkin on my website. This doesn’t mean ah haven’t done ANYTHANG, but you are also nawt missin out. Nevah fear tho, ah am really werkin on bein more prolific. Ta tide ya ovah, here’s me playin w. my bass/software (Ahve started usin REAPER n t is pretty freakin awesome!).

Anyway, ah know it’s nawt much, but ah hope you enjoy!
[audio:http://www.severebass.com/content/looping.mp3|titles=Looping (late night silliness)][/translate]


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