First post of tha new year/decade

Damn, it’s already been over two weeks of this new year n ah havent gawten around ta postin SHITE fer ya yet! My apologies…tha new year has kicked off w. a bang n ahm anticipatin it ta be a really busy one.

Ahm havin kind of a hard time figurin out which post it is ah want ta write: tha “heres all tha cool thangs ah was up ta recently, w. a little bit of a new perspective ahm takin towards myself n my environment”, OR the “holy shite am ah excited about my potential future n tha steps ahm takin ta git closah to it”. Ah feel like ah don’t have tha perspective fer the second one yet, so instead ahm gaein ta hafta save all of my evil-genius typed plans fer anutha time when they are a little more articulated. Altho ah do admit that when ah write down goals n what ah wanna dae ta make them happen, ahm much more inclined ta follow thru.

So, what have ah been up ta so far? NYE was kinda quiet, watched some fireworks from my roof. Then my cousin came by for a few more days n we jammed some more (Will try to post a video at some point). Since then it’s been logistics n busy-times-at-werk, n band practices, n some dates. Also, a really killah punk rawk show last weekend for Agnostic Front kicked some freakin ass at thee Parkside fer thar 25th anniversary tour.

As a lil precursor to what ah mentioned above, ah also attended a very inspirin n illuminatin session of Deviants Online, hosted by the truly wondahfull Sarah Dopp which gawt my thought bubbles churnin out some ideas of what ah want Severe Bass n my web presence ta look like this year. Supplemental to that, ah bought a laptop which ah have spent almost no time playin w. just yet. Ah think ahm still gittin used to tha idea…

Anyway, expect some more info from me at a latah point in time. This week is SUPER-CRAZY-BUSY, as ah have two band practices today, a Wee the Band show tomorrow w. a new vocalist, more band practice on Wednesday, n then a late night Tando show on Thursday w. a new guitarist (Anutha berklee cat!)

Ah also have gawten some more drums on loan that look n sound pretty sweet – pics will be comin latah.

Will be back once that’s all taken care of (n will try nawt ta slack so much on postin blogs!)

This entry was posted in busy busy busy, drums, evil-genius plans, ideas for world domination, laptop, more band practice, online presence, tando, websites, weetheband, what should ah write about. Bookmark the permalink.

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