Pretty good last 24 hours….

Yeah, ah can’t really complain. Last evenin aftah werk ah went ovah fer a last-minute think13 band practice (considering our singahs been out schmoozin in LA, it was long ovahdue), n then to tha Rockit Room! nearby. A staggering 5 bands were on tha FREE bill last evenin, as some folks apparently backed out. Opening was a guy n his friend playin shitty bass, followed by what ah guess is usually a pretty heavy band but was acoustic this evening. Thar star attraction was this massive pirate-looking guy (down to beaded facial hair, it was kinda intense) who played a really REALLY rawkin 6-string, 12-string, AND mandolin. There are few occasions in life ta see a really big dude playin tha shit outta a tiny mandolin, n ahm glad ah had one last evening. Even if every single one of thar songs was like 6-8 minutes long, at least half of which was guitar solos.

think13 had a last minute sound-check as part of a break, n we learned a few lessons. One of them is to ALWAYS play at full-volume fer at least 40 seconds before accepting a mix. We made this mistake last evenin, n thangs suffered. Howevah, we had a total blast on stage, n sounded decent ah guess. Ahm nawt used ta nawt havin a mic in front of me apparently!

Aftah that was Dirty Orange Sun who are friends of ours, and make some pretty rawkin musick. They sounded phenomenal, as well they should, aftah a half-hour soundcheck earlier that evenin. Ah had ta head it back to tha Cerrito early, as per my usual, so ah missed half thar set n tha last band, whoevah they were. Tha only downside of tha evenin was someone who ah was supposed ta hang out w. bailing out n then continuing ta flake out a bit, which is frustrating but ah guess nawt too surprising. Lame situation, but a lesson learned from it.

This mornin ah was outta bed around 10 am, n on my bike fer 11 am Bikram, w. my favorite instructor (who in addition to being one of tha tougher ones, is also supah hawt, n takes a slightly more active interest in my practice then most of tha othas). Saturday mornin yoga is tha yoga ah dae because ah NEED ta, nawt b/c ah want ta.

Then shortly aftah think13 piled intae my basement fer an aftahnoon of pure rawk, havin some nice surprises show up in tha mix. One of our hand percussionists played kit drum (thars two drumsets in my basement) which added a much-needed backbone to tha tunes. Tha more ah dae w. these folks tha more excited about tha future ah am.

This evenin will have me watchin a movie since ahve been totally neglectin my netflix. Excitin, ah know!

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