Man, that was DUMB!

Ah just watched Night of the Demons, a movie ah remembah readin about ovah a decade ago in tha movie-rating guidebook my rents bought. This book was bought when ah was about 10 years old so that they could find out what bad stuff movies had in them. Ah of kerse perused tha comedy n horror section lookin fer tha foulest material ah could find, n slowly watched many of that trash. Evil Dead’s I and II were first read about in this guide, as well as many otha movies proving significantly less rewarding.

Anyway, this movie pretty much sucked, but almost seemed to be aware of how bad it was. It looked like Return of the Living Dead, n treated it subject matter similarly. Howevah, major descrepancies between this and tha aforementioned movie are: Good special effects, people eating people, and significantly more nudity (both quality and quantity). Tha highlights howevah of Demons were tha ovah-tha-top cheeze metal, featuring one of tha most cliched songs ahve evah heard “Tha Beast Inside,” written by Dennis Michael Tenney (who also wrote “Computer Date.” Remember, this is from 1988….).

This movie could be one of tha most cliched bad 80s horrrors ahve yet ta see. Ah haven’t decided if that is good er bad.

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