Yoga – a bit on tha meh side fer me this mornin. Aftahwerds ah told my favorite instructor “I’m sorry you had to see that,” and she just told me “No problem.” Then ah (slowly) biked home (ah biked very slowly both to n from yoga today….nawt sure why) in time ta have
Warren Teagarden practice – Good, thar was a few new tunes to play that are now stuck in my head. We also rawked a few tunes especially hard n ah planted tha seeds that WT should record a live album in a little bit. Shortly aftah was
think13 practice – a blast, even minus a key member. Much talking about how to play tha drums was done on my part, n we were able ta amplify our hand-percussionist fer tha first time. While geetar+vocals were out pickin up food, ah made some rawkus distorted noise w. tha drummer boys n received much acclaim on my own skills n approach to tha instrument. A new song was just about finalized as well. Almost immediately aftah ah gawta
phone call from someone that has made me feel bettah about thangs in general. Also reinforced how busy ah am, but w. good thangs (such thangs bein band practices, yoga, acupuncture, n tomorrows electronics instruction traded fer a bass lesson). Gae california!