Yes, March 13th marks another year gone by for yours truly here. In case you weren’t aware, I was born on a Friday the 13th, at 13:13 Military Time<\/strong>. 13 was my father’s lucky number, so he was ecstatic. I have to say I really appreciate having such a close connection to such an excellent number. It also helped seal the deal when I going think13<\/a> back in December of 2007, just a month after moving out here.<\/p>\n But today is not about 13 (exactly), today is about 29<\/strong>! The last stop before the big three – oh, I am looking forward to rocking this year hard. With the (eventuall) launch of this website, and the SEVERE BASS<\/strong> band being on the verge of being formed, this is promising to be quite the important year for “taking that next step”.<\/p>\n I sort of thought that 2009 was going to be the year myself and all my friends took over the world – I’m pretty sure that 2009 was just some bullshit we all needed to get through to actualize our dreams. And what better time then?<\/p>\n