Category Archives: why dae bikes n cars have tha same traffic rules

Reflections on my Bike Ride to Work #4

Not really a reflection so much as a anecdote ah guess… but ah did hit/git hit by a movin vehicle today. ahm fine, we were both brakin n saw each otha w. enuff time that it was nawt really a … Continue reading

Posted in bikes are awesome except when you fall, bikin ta werk, oops, reflections on my bike ride to work, why dae bikes n cars have tha same traffic rules | 2 Comments


Ah was runnin a few minutes late today – n tha way ah dae thangs is a few minutes ken make all tha difference. Ah have a pretty tight routine down in tha mornin that doesn’t allow fer much more … Continue reading

Posted in biking, stupid cops, tickets, ugh, why dae bikes n cars have tha same traffic rules | Leave a comment