so remembah my supah-sketch cell phone insurance company NCOA? N how they took a month ta replace a stolen phone, makin me git my own police report n nawt respondin ta emails etc.?
Today ah git a lettah from them:
“After reviewing NCOA membership activity, including claims processed and settled under the NCOA cellular benefits, we have been instructed to forward due notice of cancellation to certain members. As a consequence, your NCOA membership is cancelled, effective immediately.”
while ahm glad ah gawt a replacement phone, ah wondah if ahm justified ta a refund….ah wish thar was actually someone who could dae somethang about how awful an organization these folks are.
Er that they were local so ah could gae yell n bitch at some folks in person, perhaps urinating in their lobby.
a man ken dream, can’t he?
Note – This is me predicting this phone will die on me within 6 months (more likely 3).