Nevermind that it was fer a snobby neighborhood and we were billed as an “all-ages rock band”, meaning all our songs about sex, drugs, and ritualistic murder had to be stripped. It was still a festival, n we gawt paid motherfuckers. So deal.
Anyway, our kickass sound guy Tim snapped some snazzy lookin photos of us, so ahma share. Again, nevermind that this gig was like 4 weeks ago. You still git pics. Of me in wearin a felt tie. Aren’t you lucky motherfuckers?
Tha band n some kids who danced!
Tha (leavin) Crowd!
In sad news, one of our singers Ashante is no longer singing with us. We are gaein ta be playin w.o her in a few weeks, n then tryin ta replace her as soon as we ken – but they hafta be good.
Ahm kiddin, that news isn’t sad at all, she drove me absolutely crazy n ahm actually really really glad she’s nawt with tha band anymore (Altho ah will say that a)she could sing like a muthafawka n b)girl had some good bizness sense that we certainly profited from).