Think ah mentioned this a few posts back, but ahve decided ta see what gaein ta yoga EVERY DAY fer 4 weeks feels like. My studio is daein a 30 day challenge startin tha 15th but ahve started early as ahll be out of town fer a few days in tha middle of March fer Crazy Paul’s weddin. Also, ah miscalculated, so startin today will give me at most 28 days. While daein more then one class a day is allowed, ahll prolly be makin up at least one day a week once WTB starts practicin again, so it’s doubtful ahll be able ta pick up tha slack. Ah also will nawt beat myself up if ah dont dae all 28 – if ah hit 20 ahll be pretty fricken happy!
Fer tha record, it’s suggested that you gae at least 3 x a week in ordah ta really heal yer body, but ahll admit aftah my first couple months ah sorta petered out ta twice, MAYBE three times each week. Howevah, tha wintah break gave me free time so ah tried ta step it up – n ahll be damned, ah felt much healthier when ah started gaein 3-4 as opposed ta 2-3. So we’ll give this a shot.
Wish me luck everyone – today was day numbah 1 n my class was pretty awesome actually!
In addition to this, ahve also decided ta completely cut out any weeknite drinkin until tha weddin as well – this is sorta a health thang – but really a money deal.
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