It’s 1 am, ahm prolly at least 30, if nawt more like 60, minutes from sleep. See below post, n you’ll know that ah hafta be at werk at 9 am (meanin, out tha house ABSOLUTELY nae latah then 8:05). Howevah, ahm pretty sure Warren Teagarden recently rawked tha Stork Club, n ah sorta have pictures ta prove it (altho most of them are fuzzy).
Yoga was switched ta tomorrow as well, as an act of universe synchronicity. But this means nawt only will ah need ta be out my house in 7 hours, but tha ah wont be back here till past 9 pm tomorrow; that day includes 8 hours o work (likely data entry), a phone call w. a potential employer, 2 hours of commute, 90 minutes of bikram (which ah haven’t been ta since Sat), n cleanin tha studio (45ish mins., depending). This all before ah have dinnah, relax, n process everythang from today n tomorrow.
As busy as this current life ah have is keepin me, ah hafta admit, ahm pretty fawkin happy. Which was tha point of movin out here, rite?
Also – It’s been exactly four months since ah gawt here. Ah arrived Oct. 27th (which incidentally is tha date of tha last think13 “balance” performance), ahm on tha verge of somethang. Ah ken totally feel it. Bein on stage 5 times this year is nice too!