Let this humble observers dedication to his temporary work assignments never be questioned again please! Woe is our faithful narrator and the horrible luck that continues to plague his quest for gainful employment in important situations. Yesterday this plucky young lad was devastated as he was almost 30 minutes late for an important assignment because of his lack of directions to the office building. This, plese please please rest assured, was a complete accident and caused our narrator much distress, as he absolutely abhors arriving posthumously at an assignment. You can only imagine the pure horror and depression this plucky young lad suffered when yesterday morning he arrived as late as 9:15 this morning to sit around for an hour before there was any copying to be done.
Generally our faithfull narrator prefers to take 30 minute lunch breaks so that he is able to quickly return to his exciting tasks whilst on assignment, instead of the recommended hour. Because of this, it is always a reasonable request that he be allowed to leave 30 minutes earlier of the intended end-time, whether it be 5 or 6 pm, or any deviation. Unfortunetly at the current assignment, this was regarded, justly, as an unreasonable request that warranted repercussions. Early yesterday morning his concerned staffing agency called to question both his tardiness and the insubordinate attitude he displayed concerning quitting time. While not reprimanded, this humble observer felt so inadequate because of his obvious shortcomings, he has asked to be spared the embarassment of returning to the consulting firm. Shortly after he spent 2 hours copying, and then a few scattered minutes organizing emails in chronological order, and then labelling them with their appropriate case number. Between the hours of 3 and 6 pm, he stared blankly at a screen, eventually taking out a book and reading in order to prevent from falling asleep.
This puts your faithfull narrator in an understandably upset state of affairs. Not only has he been disgraced and emotionally wounded by so unsatisfactory completing his assignment, he also is without employment until June. He is suffering so deeply he slept until 11 pm and then morosely went about the chores of eating and even forced himself to play some guitar, although you can rest assured he did not enjoy it. A black pit of sadness awaits this plucky young lad until he is able to redeem himself by procuring another job full of important administrating, such as copying, filing, and internet surfing. Please keep this humble observer in your thoughts for the next few days, as the future looks bleak.